Feb 21, 2022
Please use the link below to register for our Parish Annual Meeting no later than next Friday, February 25th. To facilitate secret balloting, participants must pre-register to “get in” and vote.
To register, please follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pcOmuqT4jHtLjAPv4PFl04rmrIMFfZx-X
For more detailed instructions, including images, go here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uyz1DoWk50Nr8qpLlIf7tilzo8hYJLo-/view
Important detail: Only one vote will be permitted per registration & device, so parishioners within a household might need to be on different devices.
For the first time in recent memory, the meeting will have a competitive election for the Vestry. Two new Vestry members will be selected out of a field of four. See their profiles and photos below, and consider the two for whom you plan to vote.
As usual, the meeting will also receive reports on our finances and various areas of activity during the past year, and we will vote on proposed changes in our Bylaws. Those proposals can be seen in files that are linked here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3k8Q-MALghz_91Ku0jl-JMdTQFpMUQD/view
There will again be professional simultaneous interpretation between English and Spanish.
We will send a “Community Weekly Special Edition: Annual Meeting” comprehensive guide to the Annual Meeting, including agenda, reports, etc. early next week. Stay tuned!
Below, please find the fine candidates for two three-year terms on the Vestry, in alphabetical order: Monica Beckman, Becky Mendoza, Bonny Michel, and David Muñoz Ambriz. You may vote for up to two people.
Vestry Candidates 2022: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YXRwv3NuSaxR_D6iaSzKcfzohJtOJM7_/view