Mother Elisabeth Sinclair
Mar 17, 2022
What’s New at Christ Church This Week?
1. With our organist Antonio Ortega Rivera’s initiation, Christ Church will soon host musical concerts featuring local musicians! Please come, and invite guests!
Upcoming Concerts at Christ Church:
a) Friday, March 25, 6p.m. ~ Medieval Music for Spring Concert
Alio Modo Ensemble presents: "Primavera me hace cantar"
b) Friday, April 01, 6p.m. ~ Bach and Beethoven Anniversary Concert.
Jorge Farid García Castellanos, piano
Kevin David García Castellanos, guitar
Tickets for both concerts: $100 MX per person, purchased at the door.
** Discounted price of $50 MX if you bring a donation of non-perishable food or adult diapers for children and adults (with developmental disabilities) at the Casa Hogar Divina Providencia in Mexico City.
Concert Safety Protocols:
*Limited seating: 80 (during “semaforo verde”)
*For pre-registration: contact Mary Rosa at: 55 5202-0949 or 55 5520-3763;
reserved tickets will be held until 10 minutes before the concert.
*At least 2 vaccinations to sit indoors, facemasks & hand sanitization
required, temperature taken at the door, space of at least 1 meter between
guests who have not arrived together.
2. Are you a youth or adult who would like to be confirmed or received as a growing Christian in the Anglican tradition? We hope to begin an inter-generational class the week after Easter. Please contact Mary Rosa at the church office to indicate your interest.
What’s Ongoing at Christ Church?
• Christ Church needs additional videographers & social media communication assistants for Sunday worship services (both languages) and special events; training provided.
• A Children’s Ministry team met this week to discuss ways to engage our children and youth through the upcoming months. We welcome (and need) additional team members. Toddlers - 5th graders should gather at the colorful room on the ground floor every Sunday at 10:55. They will return to their families before Holy Eucharist. Children’s bulletins and crayons and paper are available every Sunday morning for anyone who wants/needs to doodle during the service.
• Rev. Elisabeth & Mariana Garza will offer a bilingual girls’ retreat for girls ages 5th-8th grades on Saturday, March 26th, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., at the church and rectory. The retreat will include snacks, games, & spiritual conversation. Please contact Rev. Elisabeth at to register.
• Do you wish to receive Christ Church’s weekly email updates? Or, would you like to schedule an appointment with Rev. Elisabeth or Padre Germán? Please complete a registration form from the table at the back of the church, and indicate your need.
• We welcome children in worship services! However, for COVID safety reasons, we request families with unvaccinated children (&/or adults) to sit outdoors. Parents, please keep your children close to you throughout the service, including during the Eucharist, and consider bringing quiet toys, stuffed animals, &/or books to keep your children engaged. If you need a quiet space in which to give your children a snack, change their diapers, etc., you are welcome to use the nursery.