Jun 2, 2022
1. Dear Parents – Children have Sunday school this coming Sunday . They will meet in the nursery and may also spend time in the rectory garden. When they return to join the adults for Holy Communion, please be certain at least one parent is with them at all times.
2. Music concert at Christ Church in two weeks. Invite a friend to join you for an evening of beautiful music on June 17th at 6:30 p.m., the last in the debut season of concerts organized by our organist Antonio Ortega Rivera and performed by talented young local musicians.
Friday, June 17th. 6:30pm. $150 mxp/person
“Primavera Me Hace Cantar,” an enhanced performance of our first concert by the group Antonio directs:
Alio Modo Ensamble
3. Do you know the official title for the queen? “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith” We will commemorate her Jubilee Celebration of 70 years of faithful service on June 26th, between the 11:00 & 1:00 services. Ladies, feel free to wear your hats and pearls! Special guest Ambassador Jon Benjamin will join us.
4. Do you wish to receive the weekly Community Weekly news bulletin from Christ Church? And/or would you like a pastoral meeting with one of the clergy? Please fill out a contact information slip from the Ushers’ table near the sanctuary doors, and indicate your need. You may also contact the parish secretary Mary Rosa (See contact info on back page).
5. The church sanctuary is usually open for private prayer during the week between 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Between services on Sundays, the Lady Chapel, also known as the “Columbarium,” which is entered to the right of the altar, is available.
6. Please see the Community Weekly e-mail for a budget update.