Rev. Sinclair
Aug 6, 2022
Dear Parents – There is no Sunday school this Sunday. Children may play outside at the small table on the patio, but one parent should remain with them at all times to help ensure the children’s safety and a worshipful environment for others. Children’s bulletins are also available on the table to help children follow the service.
Beginning today, Sunday, August 7th... Neuroscience and the Fruit of the Spirit ~ The Rev. Bryan Spoon, Sundays after the 11:00 service, August 7th– Sept 11th, in person & in English. *You may wish to purchase the book by the same title to accompany the class, but this is not necessary. Book proceeds support spiritual care at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO.*
Upcoming Baroque music concert, $150MXP per person
David Favila, viola da gamba, & Guillermo Mazón, traverso
Friday August 12th, 6.30pm
- In punto di Fuga -
Antonio Ortega Rivera, Organist
+52 (561) 816 0013
Used Book Sale (English & Spanish) September 8th-11th, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Proceeds benefit Christ Church.
Requests for English language instruction: We have recently had some requests from neighbors/community members for English classes. Do you have experience teaching English? Or would you be interested in sharing conversation & friendship with those who already have basic skills? Limited training required. This would be a ministry offering rather than a paid venture. Please notify Rev. Elisabeth if you can help.
New Casa Hogar Divina Providencia (orphanage) collection through now-September.
Do you wish to receive the weekly Community Weekly news bulletin from Christ Church? And/or would you like a pastoral meeting with one of the clergy? Please fill out a contact information slip from the Ushers’ table near the sanctuary doors, and indicate your need. You may also contact the parish secretary Mary Rosa (See contact info on back page).
The church sanctuary is usually open for private prayer during
the week between 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Between services on Sundays, the Lady Chapel, also known as the “Columbarium,” which is entered to the right of the altar, is available.
If you are sick at home or in the hospital, please ask someone to notify the church, and let Mary Rosa know if you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like your name to be included in the Prayers of the People. Please help us love you well.
Casa Hogar Divina Providencia Wish List
10 Brooms
10 Pullers
10 20lt. buckets
5 dustpans
wash soap in powder (clothes)
bath soap
scrubbing sponges
tooth paste
tooth brushes
deodorant in bar men/women
dish scrubs
pine oil
kitchen towels
jergas / jargons
nail clippers
hand cream
Razors men/ women
Hair clippers (WAHL)
50 mts of hose 3/4
suavitel azul / softtel blue
hand gel
5 boots #2
3 boots #4
3 boots #5
1 boots 30
toilet paper
feminine hygiene products (pads, please)
Rubber gloves, socks, blankets, towels and diapers (any size).