Mother Elisabeth Sinclair
Mar 5, 2022
What’s New at Christ Church This Week?
Christ Church needs additional videographers & social media communication assistants for Sunday worship services (both languages) and special events; training provided.
Our Children’s Ministry team welcomes (and needs) additional team members. Please contact Rev. Elisabeth ASAP if you are willing to help. Toddlers - 5th graders should gather at the colorful room on the ground floor most Sundays at 10:55 to enjoy Illustrated Ministry’s “The Beatitudes” curriculum. They will return to their families before Holy Eucharist. Crayons and paper are available every Sunday morning for anyone who wants/needs to doodle during the service.
Rev. Elisabeth & Mariana Garza will offer a bilingual girls’ retreat for girls ages 5th-8th grades on Saturday, March 26th, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., location T.B.D. Please contact Rev. Elisabeth at for more information.
Do you wish to receive Christ Church’s weekly email updates? Or, would you like to schedule an appointment with Rev. Elisabeth or Padre Germán? Please complete a registration form from the table at the back of the church, and indicate your need.
During Lent, we are collecting non-perishable food items, adult diapers, and clean blankets for the Casa Hogar Divina Providencia (a Mexico City area group home which provides housing, food, education, and love for children and adults with disabilities). Please deliver gift items to the church kitchen.
If you missed this year’s Annual Meeting (held last Sunday, February 27th), most of the reports were available in last week’s special edition of Community Weekly, but some hard copies are also available at the back of the church on the small table near the doors. Please read these, so that you are informed about our community. Thank you!
What’s Ongoing at Christ Church?
We welcome children in worship services! However, for COVID safety reasons, we request families with unvaccinated children (&/or adults) to sit outdoors. Parents, please keep your children close to you throughout the service, including during the Eucharist, and consider bringing quiet toys, stuffed animals, &/or books to keep your children engaged. If you need a quiet space in which to give your children a snack, change their diapers, etc., you are welcome to use the nursery.