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It is not too late to "enter" lent

Mother Elisabeth Sinclair

Mar 25, 2022

Dearest Christ Church,

We have passed the half-way mark of Lent, the holy time when we walk with Christ through his desert experience of solitude, hunger, temptation, and preparation for ministry. If you have not yet been able to mentally, physically, or spiritually engage with this liturgical season, please take heart. There is still time, but of course, no better time than the present. Could you perhaps set aside some space in your agenda in the coming weeks for silence? contemplation of beauty? reflection on some of the biblical names for God? confession and repentance? reconciliation with someone with whom you have had a disrupted relationship? The Christian tradition has endless ways to "enter" Lent. Free yourself from any perspective of a right or wrong way, and simply bring yourself to Jesus Christ as you are, with your longings, hopes, prayers, questions, and adorations.

Traveling with you,

Rev. Elisabeth

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