Mother Elisabeth Sinclair
Apr 1, 2022
Dear Christ Church,
When I first arrived to you, exactly 9 months ago today, I began to ask you and your vestry to consider
some “Why” questions. Why has God sustained Christ Church for so many years in Mexico City? Why did
God plant Christ Church in the Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood? Why do you (or do you not)
regularly attend worship services at Christ Church? Why has God brought us together as a parish
community of specific individuals for this season in human history?
My goal in asking these questions was to help us discern together our reason for being. I hoped we
might remember or discover some of God’s intentions for us and activity among us. The church has
always existed to glorify God, to encourage the faithful, to seek and nurture in faith those who are
curious about Jesus and/or who long to encounter God through Jesus Christ, and to extend God’s
hospitality and justice into our wider communities. These are the generalities. But what are Christ
Church’s particularities? What are the ways in which we are uniquely poised and equipped to carry out
these functions? How can we more fully join God in the work He has already begun in and through us?
On the morning of Saturday, April 2 nd , your vestry and I will meet together to try to put “flesh” on some
of these questions and design a “Mission Action Plan” (MAP) to share with you. For those of you from
the business world, a similar concept to a MAP is a “Strategic Plan”; however, our emphasis is not
financially driven but mission driven. After our meeting, we will invite your feedback and participation
regarding the plan. Please pray with us and for us as we listen for God’s leading and respond in
courageous obedience. There is no better time for this work than Lent, which leads us to death… and to
Rev. Elisabeth