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Update to our Community

(21st January, 2022)

Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair

Jan 21, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ Second Week of January

What’s New at Christ Church This Week?

Some 2022 Needs at Christ Church: Can you help?

1. English-speaking Vestry secretary to record vestry meeting minutes once/month & coordinate with Mary Rosa to print, post, & file the minutes. This person does have voice and vote in vestry matters.
2. Someone(s) to digitally organize & archive church records.
3. Someone(s) to make phone calls to church members as we check in on parishioners’ wellbeing and update our records.
4. Children’s ministry providers to help Rev. Elisabeth plan and implement meaningful formation experiences and learning for children. This could mean presenting a children’s sermon once or month or serving in the nursery 1-2x/month, designing and overseeing the volunteer schedule, etc. Various options and commitment levels are available. Please contact her ASAP to indicate your willingness to help.
5. Small group leaders & participants for our upcoming Lenten program “Way of Love” in English & Spanish. Meetings will be 9 consecutive Tuesday evenings, beginning February 15th, & Rev. Elisabeth will provide training for leaders in advance. Watch for a small group sign-up in upcoming weeks.
6. Additional videographers for Sunday worship services and special events; training provided.
February ~ Our Annual Meeting will occur in February. Please stay tuned for more information.

What’s Ongoing at Christ Church?

Financial Stewardship Update:

As of January 12th, we have reached approximately 80% of the number of pledges we received last year (38). This is a great joy! Thank you, each one, who has offered your financial gifts to support Christ Church.
We still have some work to do. Our goal this year is to increase our number of pledges by at least 10%. So, that means we need at least 8 more parishioners to pledge. If you are able to pledge this year, please put your pledge card in the offering basket this month. Again, thank you!

We welcome children in worship services! However, for COVID safety reasons, we request families with unvaccinated children (&/or adults) to sit outdoors. Parents, please keep your children close to you throughout the service, including during the Eucharist, and consider bringing quiet toys, stuffed animals, &/or books to keep your children engaged. If you need a quiet space in which to give your children a snack, change their diapers, etc., you are welcome to use the nursery. All other church members who do not have children, please speak encouragingly to parents and children as we all re-acclimate to the gift and responsibility of being in community with each other.

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