Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair
Mar 21, 2023
- Dear Parents – Children may play at the craft table at the back of the church – with parent supervision, please. We continue to pray for and actively seek children’s teachers. For a paid coordinator role, please see this Saturday’s Community Weekly email.
- Friday, March 24, 7:00 p.m. Concert HAS BEEN CANCELLED, but stay tuned for a rescheduled date…
- Book (March 23-26) & Garage (March 24 & 25) Sales this week. All proceeds benefit Christ Church. Please spread the news! Also, be sure to thank members of the Guild and Christ Church staff for their work to make these quarterly sales possible.
- See a personal reflection by Heber Longhurst in this weekend’s Community Weekly email message. If you would like to receive this Saturday email—filled with information about Christ Church events—please fill out a Guest card and drop it in the offering basket (or give it to an Usher) near the entrance doors of the church.
- Christ Church has a small reserve fund that has existed for many years under the name "Hewitt." We are trying to learn the origin of this fund. If anyone has information, please contact Rev. Elisabeth ASAP.
- The Choir welcomes those who enjoy singing, can carry a tune, and have an ear for learning music. If you’re interested, please speak directly with Maestro Juan Ernesto, the choir director.
HOLY WEEK SERVICES ~ Please invite friends & family.
PALM SUNDAY ~ Services as usual
7:00 p.m. –bilingual (choir)
1:00 p.m. –Spanish (with organ)
7:00 p.m. English (choir)
7:00 p.m. – English
EASTER DAY ~ Services as usual
Dear Christ Church,
Your hospitality matters! Here are excerpts from three notes we've received in the last three weeks from guests who have recently visited Christ Church:
"Thank you again for you & your entire church family for making us feel so welcomed! Also, that was some of the best coffee we had ever had! Will you please let me know how I may send an offering to the church?"-- Alyssa, who visited from the U.S. with her boyfriend late last Fall.
"Hi there, I was at Christ Church [a few Sundays ago] with a group. We were treated so warmly and well, that I want to express our heartfelt thanks." -- Fr. Casey, Episcopal priest from Texas
"Our visit to Christ Church was lovely. Rev Susan gave us a little tour before the service, and the bilingual worship service was beautiful. We were shown great hospitality. One member of the group, who has been contemplating a retirement move to San Miguel de Allende, said he could actually see himself living in CDMX and worshiping in that space." -- Molly, the Wonder Voyage guide who brought her group to worship at Christ Church in February
Thank you, all, for opening your hearts, conversations, and lives to guests. There is always some risk involved, as some of you have experienced, but there is also always great opportunity for shared blessing. As a faith community, we have the honor of greeting and caring for one another with Jesus’ compassion, sensitivity, and hospitality. To whom can you extend these gifts this morning before you leave Christ Church?
With appreciation,
Rev. Elisabeth