Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair
Feb 28, 2023
Facemasks continue to be recommended but are no longer required at Christ Church.
We continue to pray for and actively seek children’s teachers. For a paid coordinator role, please see this Saturday’s Community Weekly email.
Please save these dates…
Sunday, February 26, 6:30 p.m. Concert Marian Knight: “Dolendo: John Dowland Renacido”. Talk performance.
$150.00 or $100.00 if a person brings a non perishable food
or other items for la Divina Providencia.
February 27, March 6, 13, 20, & 27: Would you like to be a part of “Life Transformed –Way of Love in Lent,” a small group that will meet in English by Zoom on Monday evenings? Please RSVP directly to Rev. Elisabeth by Sunday, February 26 at: churchchurch.2021@gmail.com (*Different curriculum from last year’s Way of Love group)
March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29: Would you like to be a part of Lenten “Neurociencia y el Fruto del Espíritu” a small group that will meet in Spanish by Zoom Wednesday evenings? Please RSVP directly to Fr. Bryan by Sunday, February 26, at bryan.spoon@yahoo.com
Friday, March 10, 7:00 p.m. Concert Sofía Flores, soloist & Chamber Orchestra “La Concha”
“Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3”
$150.00 (tickets collection 100% for musicians)
Sunday, March 12, at 12:30 p.m., there will be a “Special Meeting” of the Parish of Christ Church in the Parish Hall.
As agreed upon at the Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 19, the Parish will be asked to change the Bylaws to simplify and clarify the election of Vestry members. If that is approved, one person will then be elected to the Vestry for a three-year term ending at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2026. The Nominating Committee and Vestry have approved TAIWO OLOREDE as the prospective candidate for that Vestry position. Please see the full Notice and Background information sent out to the Parish in a special edition of Community Weekly, via email, on: Thursday, February 23, or pick up a copy on the Ushers Table.