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Update to our Community

Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair

Apr 24, 2023

Children’s Ministry: Children may begin in the nursery (the room to the left of the church offices) and return to their parents’ care as Holy Communion begins. Praise God for our new teaching team!

Can you share non-perishable food items for members of our community enduring financial stress? Individual items &/or care packages with basic food necessities are welcome. Please leave in the kitchen near the Care Package sign. Families may take one package per week, as needed and as available, for yourselves or a friend/neighbor experiencing food insecurity.

If you would like to be confirmed or received into the Anglican Church of Mexico when the bishop visits on June 18th, this Sunday, April 23rd, is the last day to join the required class, 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the White Room. Generally, baptized youth (of ages 14+) and adults are welcome. Please speak directly with clergy if you have any questions.

On May 7th, in celebration with the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, Christ Church will celebrate the coronation of His soon-to-be Majesty King Charles III. The day will follow a special schedule:
• 9:30 a.m. Bilingual liturgy with recognition of Mexican Mother’s Day
• 11:00 a.m. English liturgy incorporating elements from the Church of England
• 12:30 p.m. Reception in the White Room
• There will not be a 1:00 p.m. Spanish liturgy on this day.

If you would be willing to bring a dish to share this day, please consider one of the following from, please contact Rev. Elisabeth ASAP.
• Iceland's Coronation Cake, p. 1
• Coronation Quiche, p. 1
• Steamed sponge pudding, p. 2
• Great British Bakeoff Laura's Biscuit Fudge Brownies, p. 4
• Alana Spencer's Banana Brownie bread, p. 5
• Alice Frevonia's Tomato, Spinach, & Feta Tart, p. 6
• Carrot cake tray bake p. 6

The Rt. Rev. Alba Sally Sue Hernandez, our diocesan bishop, will be with us on June 18th. This is a change from an earlier announcement. We will have a normal 9:30 a.m. service and a bilingual 11:00 a.m. service, with a reception to follow. There will be no Spanish language service this day.

Did you know that Christ Church has a volunteer Finance Committee that meets monthly to assess our resources and offer counsel to the Rector, Vestry, and Asociasion Religiosa? The members include church Accountant Edgar Gomez, church Treasurer Mariana Navarrete, Committee Chairman Lewis Adams, Daniel Anaya, Enrique Molina, and Chris Stephens. They play an invaluable role in our stewardship!

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