Pledge Letters
August 2, 2021
Dear Members and Friends of Christ Church,
For almost 150 years, Christ Church has provided an English-speaking spiritual and social community for ex-patriots from around the world. Our parish has grown in our identity as part of the Anglican Diocese of Mexico to also include an Anglican Spanish-speaking service. Your support is indispensable to continuing our stated mission of being “a loving, multicultural, inclusive faith community committed to celebrating and spreading the Good Word in our parish and Mexico City.”
We write to seek your financial pledges and donations for our parish and its outreach in 2021 and beyond. Our multicultural, multilingual church is entirely self-supporting. Many expenses are constant: clergy, staff, maintenance, and the core of our fine choir, as examples.
In good times and bad, our Christian tradition invites each of us – as we are able – to offer our gifts of time, talent, and finances for the wellbeing of the whole. Many times in the Scriptures, God set people and groups in just the right geographical, historical, and cultural context to be a blessing... and to be blessed. Think of Esther helping to rescue her people from slaughter. Think of Elijah helping the widow of Zarephath not starve. Think of Philip meeting the Ethiopian eunuch on the road who had questions about the meaning of an Old Testament prophecy.
Christ Church exists in Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City, MX, in the year 2021, during a worldwide pandemic, for the purpose of glorifying God and building God's kingdom with God in this place and time. We get to imagine and dream with God about the immediate implications of our context.
We have individually and corporately received so many good gifts from God. We have the most extraordinary church building and grounds in a beautiful and peaceful neighborhood of Mexico City. We have a dedicated and enthusiastic staff who keep the property and our administrative processes in good condition. We have a diligent and talented vestry and clergy who serve us with their talents. We have connections around the world with people who love and care for us.
All of these good gifts are to be enjoyed... and shared! The inner blessings and satisfaction of sharing are profound, as you can hear from the video testimonials provided by parishioners on this page.
If you have already given, THANK YOU!!!! If there are ways you may be able to give that you had not yet considered, please let us know what you might be able to share. If you have not yet pledged for 2021, you would do us a great favor by going to the pledge letter button and filling in your pledge form so that we have a more accurate idea of our financial "picture" at mid-year.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair, Rector and Jennifer Holden, Senior Warden