Our 2024-2025 Stewardship theme is "Walk in Love” and draws from this Scripture verse:
"Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:2).
Christ Church has been blessed to draw nourishment across the past century and a half from the Holy Scriptures, the Living Spirit of God, Mexico City and the Anglican Church of Mexico's hospitality, countless expatriates and Mexican nationals' generosity, and extraordinary community ties with local non-profit groups. We have been blessed in order to share the blessings of the good news of Jesus Christ, who sets the prisoners free, makes the lame to walk and the blind to see, crowns the bereaved with lovingkindness, sets widows and orphans within families, etc.
To make a financial commitment ("pledge") to assist Christ Church's ministry in 2024, you may contact our accountant Edgar Gomez directly to set up a regular bank deposit here in Mexico City or in the United States, you may donate through our Paypal button on this website (although we do lose a portion of your gift to Paypal), or you may make cash donations when you attend worship services.
We rely on your gifts of presence, time, finances, and talents for every dimension of our life and ministry. Every person matters! May God grant you every good gift you need today. Sincerely, with appreciation, Christ Church
Reflection Questions related to our theme:
What does this theme mean to you?
Is there a “Walk in Love” goal you’d like to set for yourself this year?
Or an expression of love you wish to celebrate?