Holy Baptism is the sacred means by which God cleanses us of sin, joins us
with Christ, bestows the Holy Spirit for empowered life and ministry, and makes us a member
of Christ’s body, the church.
Because baptism is a communal sacrament and an opportunity for all baptized people to welcome and celebrate the newly baptized person(s) and renew their own baptismal vows, baptisms are ordinarily integrated in our regular Sunday morning services. To arrange a baptism, please contact our church office. A member of our clergy will want to meet with you for some baptismal instruction ahead of the service.


Within the Christian church, marriage is a sacrament. A sacrament is a human experience that God has established and permeated with divine grace and purpose. Through sacraments, God makes God's own love clearly, tangibly present to us.
Christ Church is a beautiful setting for the public celebration of this sacrament, featuring lovely indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as contracted caterers who can help facilitate a wonderful and memorable reception.
The Anglican Church views marriage as a life-long union. For this reason, Christ Church requires couples to receive premarital instruction and preparation. Generally, this means that the couple will meet at least four times with a member of the clergy, either a member of the Christ Church clergy or a member of the clergy at a parish closer to your home.
The Church requires that at least one member of the couple be a baptized Christian (though not necessarily an Anglican). If either one of the couple has been divorced, at least a full year must have passed since the final decree of divorce. Additionally, the Bishop of Mexico will need to grant final approval for the remarriage, based upon the recommendation of a member of our clergy staff.
Normally, the order of service used for a wedding ceremony is from the Book of Common Prayer. Readings, music, service bulletins, and other particulars can be decided in consultation with the clergy of Christ Church.
Remember that according to Mexican law the couple must also be married in a civil ceremony. This usually takes place at some time before the church ceremony, although arrangements can be made for the civil ceremony to take place on the grounds of Christ Church but outside of the church itself, immediately after the wedding.
Please contact the church office if you have questions about scheduling a wedding ceremony.
Funeral and memorial services are an opportunity to celebrate a loved one's life, grieve in community with others who are experiencing this loss with you, remember our Christian Scripture's teachings about death and resurrection, receive love and support, and formally entrust your loved one to God. The Order of Service for these services is based on "The Burial Office," found in the Book of Common Prayer. This prayer book explains: “The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised.” Every funeral or memorial service at Christ Church is a celebration of Life, and the music and reading selections, while acknowledging our human grief and loss, also point us to the hope and joy of the resurrection. Any who wish to plan in advance their own funeral or that of a loved one are invited to call the parish clergy.
Due to the ever-evolving pandemic and the potential need for urgent help, please contact
the church office (55 5202 0949) first, then try Mother Elisabeth (, Mother Susan (, or Padre Germán (